Let's face it, if you are going to be a personal branding photographer, you need to walk your talk... you know you need photos and videos to show you and how you work.

Maybe you are keen to learn how to light, pose and create variety for your clients whilst keeping the imagery feeling natural and authentic.

And if you are new to the genre of personal branding, you most likely need to create a gorgeous folio of images with real women you can use to show your work.

I have created this hands on workshop style retreat, so you can tick ALL of these boxes at once, with a pro-team and good company to support you in a luxury shooting environment!

Come learn, shoot & be captured with me


Imagine this...

Arrive at a luxury property with other like-minded photographers on the same path, enjoy connection & intimacy with people who get you

Guided workshop with 2 pros to learn step-by-step tips on how to plan, pose, light, frame and execute a fluid photoshoot experience

Folio building photoshoot with models at luxe property, the kind of shoot experience that would cost $1000's to produce on your own

Coming home fully inspired with cards jammed with images to light your socials up so your feed looks like you have dreamt it could!


You are keen to learn more about the genre of Personal Branding from 2 working professionals who are kicking it in this genre, and you want to connect rather than do another online course.

You find yourself getting stuck for ideas on how to pose, frustrated by seeing what others create and want to learn how to improve the overall aesthetic, function & feel of your style

You want to upgrade your current folio so the look and feel is more like what you want to be capturing, so you can finally attract the types of clients you dream of working with

You are ready to up-level the kind of images you create and expand your repertoire so you can sell a higher volume of images and make more profit from personal branding 

This experience is for you if:


You will get all of this...

Styled Location - learn & shoot in light & bright & stylish Yucca Valley Property

Guided Workshop - we show you how to work the space with lifestyle posing & lighting

Workbook - shoot list and guide to help you create maximum variety in your folio

Folio Shoot - with ladies of all ages - 2 photogs per shoot zone so you can really work the space

Natural Light Set up - continuous lighting set ups to help you create a natural light look

Hands-on Training - get feedback and guidance from Paula & Alison to help you get unstuck

Intimate Group - small workshop sizes suited to locations so you get quality time and attention

All Food - this will be jammed packed, so we will take care of food and drinks for your stay

Your Own Photoshoot - we have two options to choose from so all your content buckets are full!

You will come away with a folio of fresh images full of women with diverse ages & bodies. Real ladies captured in a divine shoot space that has been selected to make sure your folio will make you the only choice in your future clients eyes. 

This workshop is designed to give you behind the scenes access to our whole photoshoot philosophy & approach to create maximum variety for your personal brand clients with a focus of lifestyle imagery. Learn simple lighting set-ups, go-to poses with two photographers dedicated to helping you get the most out of your experience.

Plus we are literally saving you $1000's on what it would cost you to bring this together on your own as we have taken care of everything you need to create your dream folio :)

Prices are fixed to include everything, you just need to show up with your gear and clean cards ready to fill. There are limited spots available so we can only take the first in for each location.

Sounds great

What's the Low Down?


Q. What will I learn?



We devote the morning to really focussing on walking through the venue to start planning your shoot opportunities and mapping out where you will want to shoot, all guided by Paula & Alison

You will learn the go-to poses you really need to master to make sure your folio has more dynamic range.

With a focus on flow posing to create variety and natural looking light to create dynamic range quickly
 - you will see us use verbal, non-verbal and physical touch to guide models to look & feel authentic.

Learn simple flat lighting using continuous & on camera flash so you can be nimble and create images that have a natural light look no matter the circumstances.


Q. I am keen to go Social Sessions, what can I expect?



The Social Sessions experience is Paula's signature shoot bringing 4 women from different businesses together to share a full day personal brand shoot across multiple locations.

The first half of the day is spent at gorgeous styled property to capture lifestyle, professional and working style images and then we go out to urban streets, cafes, finish in nature, so you will have a full suite of action oriented images ready to go to work for you.

As the nature of these sessions is collaborative, you can also get images of you capturing the other ladies (and you will sub in to be their "client") so you will have ALL the content you need to show up big time in your socials.

Socials Sessions include hair, makeup, full day shoot, lunch, travel + 50 images
Check out full deets on the Social Sessions Experience & inclusions by clicking here


Q. What is the accomodation set up?



Stunning brand new modern home close to all! Surrounded by large boulders, Joshua trees, endless vistas and a gorgeous pool and spa.

Each room has a queen bed and private bathroom so you will be able to retreat in privacy.

We are going to operate on a first come - best bedroom - situation, so the first person to confirm their booking will get the master, and the other 3 rooms are fairly even.

This property is located in Yucca Valley, approx 35 minutes from Palm Springs, so if you need transport please contact us to see what we can arrange.


Q. What will the model photoshoot look like?



We will be placing the models in certain sections of the property, so you will get solo time with each. You will be able to play and create and the video will be wandering to catch you in action at the same time also.

We will repeat this in numerous locations across the property to create the kinds of images you will need for your folio and then take the ladies on location also. These ladies will be "normal" body types & all ages


Q. What is the cancellation policy?



If you need to cancel or reschedule, we will work with you for the best possible outcome.

Cancellations 60+ days prior to workshop + shoot, are entitled to full refund less costs incurred.

If you cancel within 60 days of workshop + shoot start date, you will forfeit monies paid, unless we can rebook spot, in which case you will receive full refund less costs incurred.

If cancellation is made due to drastic circumstances, with a doctors certificate or other evidence of inability to travel / attend we will of course show compassion.


As a corporate, headshot & architectural photographer, Alison felt the pull to be more creative with clients who were more engaged, and was dabbling around the edges of personal branding for years before it became what it is now.

When she took the steps to be mentored with me, she finally niched down and now enjoys cracking success working with passionate female entrepreneurs.

Get to Know Your Guides

Come Learn (& Play) with us

After 24 years (ouch) as a working professional photographer, I've experienced first hand what it feels like to make the switch from demanding weddings & portraits to the high-profit and relatively easier hours of a Personal Branding Business Model.

I now love to share what I have learnt from focussing on Personal Branding for the last 8 years and look forward to helping you to have more success in this gorgeous corner of our industry.



Stay & Play, Photo/Videoshoot, 2 night stay + workshop....

Immerse yourself & fill your content buckets with a full day shared session starting at house and going to streets, cafes & nature! This retreat style experience includes 2 nights stay, all meals, Day 1 evening arrive, day 2 includes hair & makeup (all day for changes),  full day shoot, travel + 50 images, day 3 workshop!!! PLUS lots of time with Paula & Team!

Palm Springs Workshop + Social Session

SUN 25 - TUES 27 FEBRUARY 2024



Learn More about Social Sessions & Inclusions


Immerse yourself & fill your content buckets with a full day shared session starting at house and going to streets, cafes & nature! This retreat style experience includes 2 nights stay, all meals, Day 1 evening arrive, day 2 includes hair & makeup (all day for changes), full day shoot, travel + 50 images, day 3 workshop!!! PLUS lots of time with Paula & Team!

Palm Springs Workshop + Social Session

WED 28 Feb - FRI 1 March 2024



Learn More about Social Sessions & Inclusions


Book Folio Building Workshop....

Stunning styled property on the outskirts of Palm Springs. Saturated with natural light and contemporary styling this house is the perfect canvas to bring a light & bright vibe to your website & socials.
With 4 shoot zones this will be an intimate group with only 8 spots available, so if you are keen don't wait or you will miss out.


Palm Springs Workshop Only

TUES 27 FebRUARY 2024



Stunning styled property on the outskirts of Palm Springs. Saturated with natural light and contemporary styling this house is the perfect canvas to bring a light & bright vibe to your website & socials.
With 4 shoot zones this will be an intimate group with only 8 spots available, so if you are keen don't wait or you will miss out.


Palm Springs Workshop Only

FRI 1 March 2024