the blog


Solo Portraits

August 1, 2019

I want to tell you a story. As I sat in the room showing Chele & hubby Godfrey the images from their portrait shoot with me, I just loved the integrity & passion which they both embody. I had met Chele a few years ago, we instantly clicked and I knew our paths would cross […]

Portraits – Chele Tindall

Portrait Photography © Paula Brennan Photographer

Solo Portraits

May 7, 2019

I love photographing women over 40. I didn’t fear turning 40 myself, actually I spent the few years before the big event looking forward to it. Because of my time spent capturing women of a certain age I knew that there was so much to look forward to in my 40’s and beyond. In my […]

Why I love photographing women over 40

why I love photographing women over 40

Solo Portraits

March 29, 2019

On the outside, Kate is highly accomplished, gorgeous & athletic, a deep thinker as well as an action taker. So listening to her talk about her real life struggles is quite refreshing. And not in a voyeuristic way.  I just love listening to her talk about the hard work she has done on herself to […]

Portrait – Kate

Solo Portraits

February 28, 2019

Quite often (actually lots and lots) I find myself capturing women after an epic life trek. And by this I mean one of those life changing journeys that could have broken you but makes you ever so much stronger for having lived it. Such was the case for Gilli, who after working with powerhouse Bianca […]

Portrait – Gilli’s Transformation

Solo Portraits

April 17, 2018

You most likely know we are all about celebrating here.   So it was an absolute delight to celebrate a milestone birthday with this lovely lady.   There was of naughty giggles in the studio between Lorraine, Katie Lawrence + Co & Mwah!   Enjoy the highlights :):)

Lorraine – Celebrating

Solo Portraits

March 20, 2018

Last Year I received this email… “Dear Paula, After huge encouragement from my friend I have decided that “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Some weeks ago I watched a TV article on older ladies becoming fashion models and it got my imagination going. In fact the idea of it was very exciting. In October I shall be […]

Aileen – Celebrating 70


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