January 30, 2015
I am super excited to be able to share a truly wonderful project I have been working on for the last couple of months, which is now very real and is very close to my heart.
Since moving to the Coast, I have really felt the great sense of community which is shared up here. I am not sure if it is because I was looking for it, or that it is just this time in my life when I want to give more, share more or just to be involved more.
Mid last year I was at a training event when this brave soul yelled out across the coffee machines to a load of small business owners that she was a charity organisation, if anyone was looking for one to support.
Hmm, cool me thinks, lets engage. As it turned out I was talking to Stephanie a representative of Equity Works, a disability services organisation based in Nambour.
Conversation goes something like this…
“Oh, my mum is moving up to the Coast soon, and we are looking for services for my brother (Ryan, who my mum cares full time for)”
“Is your mum Cathy from Sydney?”
“I have been talking with her this week, and we are going to meet up when she comes up next week :)”
Well if that is not a sign from the Universe, I don’t know what it is.
Kind of felt a bit naughty after that, as Steph and I brainstormed and came up with an idea that got both of us super excited, that we were like kids in school talking & passing notes during the rest of the seminar!
We hit a cord as we found out we are both incredibly passionate about a particular group of people in community at large, and that is Carer’s. As I type this I just know this post will touch practically every one who reads it.
Let’s just call it how it is, there exists a big gap in the level of support given to carer’s compared to the level of support needed.
Whether caring for a child who has special needs, a parent who is ageing or sick, or a close friend or relative who has suffered from sickness or an accident. There is a rather large percentage of the community who provide round the clock care for another, and I have found that generally these are the people who kick up the least amount of fuss about it.
My family story is not unique. There are thousands of families in similar situations, and every one is unique, challenging and rewarding all the same. However growing up with parents who are full time carers, has opened my eyes to a whole community of people who could just do with a simple thank you from our community.
I can go on and on about the plight of these wonderful people in our community, but rather than focus on the negatives surrounding the plight of carers, Steph and I decided we would like to celebrate these wonderful selfless angels.
We have decided to bring together 30 female carers (sorry boys, we will get you next time) and give them a treat day, just to say thank you for all that they do.
And what better way to celebrate, than to indulge in a day of absolute pampering & indulgence. Massage, reflexology, pedi’s & mani’s, blow-drys and gorgeous makeup, followed by a delicious 3 course lunch at the 4th Floor Restaurant overlooking the Mooloolaba Surf. Ah, I can feel the relaxation and happy vibes already.
This event is to be hosted on International Women’s day, Sunday 8th March.
The biggest part of our fund raising efforts for this event, is to provide the funds for the respite services to free these ladies to come along to the day. Government funded respite packages often just don’t spread that far, and with respite costs coming in around $45 per hour (more for Sundays), to get away for such an afternoon would be a costly affair for the average family to fork out.
We are looking for small businesses to donate $350 to support one woman to come along and enjoy an afternoon off. As far as what we can offer on a “sponsorship” level, there is nothing to be gained out of this, except for doing something really great for someone who could really do with a break. All tax deductible contributions are welcome, and any business who does support this amazing day, will get a really big thank you, and a chance to put something special into a goodie bag, oh and a whole lot of gratitude in social media land :):)
Check out the sponsor pack which has all the details on the who’s & what’s, and you can email back to me info@paulabrennn.com.au or to Equity Works at s.whelan@equityworks.org. You can also talk to me directly on my mobile (0478) 168398 or call Stephanie at Equity Works on (07) 5441 2122
A big thank you to My Weekly Preview, who wrote a touching cover story about this day and shone a light on one amazing woman who now cares for her adult child after a near death tragedy changed the course of their lives unexpectedly. Read this weeks cover story for more details.
Also thank you to Di Olson & Fiona Howett on their invaluable input & support. And big thank you to Andrea from Jaye Create, for creating the beautiful logo (and my site too!)
I have had a number of calls from people who read the article (which only came out yesterday), and want to nominate a loved one who is in a caring role for this experience. We are working with a few disability service organisations to nominate carers, however I have been touched by the many conversations I have had so far, and would love if you could email me your story.
We can not service everyone who really needs this kind of day this time, but we are hoping to be able to do this again in the not too distant future, and we are looking for other ways we can provide appropriate thank you’s for carers, so please do email me at info@paulabrennan.com.au
I love hearing about all the positive ways that strong advocates have fought for the rights and well being of those they love, to help them overcome odds, and really shine in the Community. I think by sharing these stories we can all gain a fuller understanding of what it means to be human, to love unconditionally, and to connect wholeheartedly.
Please… I urge you to. This is a fantastic event, and we need support to get it going, and the more people who know and care enough to help, then the more people we can help in future too 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
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