November 3, 2021
Little known fact, I went to a performing arts high school. Yes think fame, add lots of ballet buns with turned out feet and you get the picture. I wasn’t a dancer (acting was my bug) however I soon fell in love with dance and at 15 was in classes with the 8 year olds.
It was at this magical school I also came into contact with a now phenomenon – PILATES! And I was hooked on it for decades.
I have been to studios all over the world, and I travel far for a good teacher or class.
In fact when I lived in Sydney I drove 45 minutes in the traffic to get to a class twice a week on the other side of the city. And when I first moved to the Coast, I travelled 30 minutes (which is like going to another state here) for the best classes I could find.
After having trained in probably 30+ different studios to get the best teachers, I was super excited to finally be connected with Tracey, from Tensegrity training.
Truth be told, I first met Tracey when I was training to become a teacher myself last year (was thinking of buying a studio – that idea didn’t last long) but I instantly recognised her experience, depth of knowledge and care for what she does.
So I signed up for her classes and brought along some friends (plus my own daughter).
Tracey has created the most beautiful space to train and learn in, set up in the Hills just near me (only 15 minutes – yay)
And her online courses, in person teacher training combined with her years of experience from being a dancer to an instructor now to creating a whole teaching platform to make sure the next generation of teachers are as well trained, are just so comprehensive, I can tell you from personal experience, she is just amazing at what she does.
And her students and clients will wholeheartedly agree with me 🙂
Enjoy the highlights,
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© Paula Brennan Photographer 2025
Hi Paula
GREAT shots to highlight all involved with the Pilates – well done!