September 7, 2021
I know I keep banging on about just how wonderful my clients are, but that is because they truly are. Wonderful people creating wondrous things. And most of them are motivated not by money or ego, but by the pure desire to help others (and of course take care of their own in the process) […]
August 31, 2021
Some people just ooze pure joy. You know that feeling that just radiates and sucks you in when you meet them? That is exactly how I felt when I first connected with Helen the Cat Butler. Yes you read right, the Cat Butler! Helen has channelled all that gorgeous energy into giving the families of […]
August 10, 2021
There are actually not many words I can use to describe sharing space with Myra Medhurst, there is just more of a feeling that you get when you are in her company With a beautiful partner walking alongside her, Myra has had a wide range of extraordinary experiences. And now they have channelled all their […]
August 3, 2021
VIP client and awesome entrepreneur in her own right, Katrina has become a friend (across the borders) And that is simply because this Sydney based business coach and I share the same mission – to help women find their voice, to let them give themselves permission to shine and to transform their businesses. […]
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