In my own recent journey to try and clean up my health, I have found there is so much misinformation out there right online. So many apps that want you to sign up to the latest diet plan, and “experts” telling you to do x, y, z to get quick results.
Now I am a big fan of the DIY or do-at-home without needing-to-make-appointments model. Kind of suits my whims and busy lifestyle.
And as much as I do like a quick fix (hell who doesn’t) I know often I need one-on-one attention and advice from time to time to actually make meaningful changes.
Especially when it comes to my health.
So it was a pleasure to work with Sydney based nutritionist, naturopath and reflexologist Lisa of Health Sanctum. She takes a multi-pronged approach to helping her clients reduce stress, anxiety and pain and avoid the consequences of yo-yo dieting!
As part of our Sydney Social Sessions experience earlier this year, we took Lisa on tour in Sydney’s East to create this gorgeous collection of images to help her clients get to know Lisa better 🙂
Enjoy the highlights,
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